The word ‘typography’ has its origins in Greek the words ‘typos’ (form) and ‘graphe’ (writing). It’s the art and technique that consists of arranging type with the purpose of making language more visible. Do you know the difference between typeface and font?

So now you’re a manager. It doesn’t matter what the job’s called. Be it team leader, project manager, team manager or any other title, it boils down to one thing: there’s a group of people who need managing, and you’re the person to manage them. As people go, designers tend to have a lot more individuality in them and be less willing to work in a team effectively. That’s why managing a design team is even more of a challenge than regular team management.

During the past decade, one of the most used catch phrases worldwide was probably “Would you like fries with that?”. This decade, it’s less gastronomical and more technological: “There’s an app for that”. With a fast developing environment for mobile technology, there is an application for almost anything and everything. Why not check out how you could save time and energy, while making your work easier and more pleasant with just a few swipes of the screen?